Case study 3

Digital rebrand

The challenge

A premium brand that doesn't look premium

In 2016 I was tasked with the following: combine three dated websites into one, optimize the site for mobile, provide a solution for online joining, and create a new digital presence that visually aligned with HMR's quality of services. As the UX/UI Designer and Creative Director on this project, I was excited to create a new user-centered experience, and elevated brand look. My mission was to make the HMR brand the “BMW of weight loss”.

The approach

Style guide, brand assests

We had a handle on our personality — trusted, candid, and empathic, yet we didn't look the part. We needed new colors, new fonts, and new imagery that would be inspirational to our potential clients. The decision was made to invest in custom photography and we were off to California, Wisconsin, and our home base Boston to shoot a plus size model and some weight-loss testimonials to tell our story.

The approach

Architecture, wireframes, user insights

A huge part of this project was to to acquire customers through an online joining mission. After much competitor research, I worked with stakeholders to map a new website architecture that would optimize the experience for new clients and provide current clients their own experience. I built wireframes and prototypes for initial testing and received feedback before creating high fidelity designs.

The approach

Map a simple flow to allow online joining

HMR offered three different program options to our customers. I mapped three separate journey flows for online joining — below you can see a few high-fidelity screens of the Healthy Solutions flow. Since this was the first time we allowed online purchases I needed to keep it simple and offered predetermined kits. The plan was to optimize to allow customers to build their own kit.

The release

One website, elevated look, joining mission

The launch of our consolidated website dramatically strengthened the HMR Brand through a new elevated look and user experience that was in line with our quality of service. Throughout the process we learned so much, made difficult choices, and launched an MVP that allowed clients to join online while immediately improving our digital presence. The impact of this project on user experience—and our ability to reach new people was massive!

Linda—what can I say? We're not worthy... You are doing such great work and performing in an incredibly high level. You are showing great team work and collaboration skills through this complicated process. If the site launched tomorrow—we would not be happy (because that's just the insane kind of people we are) but this would be nothing short of a breathtaking transformation. This is a whole different level of design!
John Lally
VP of Marketing