January 2022

Creative campaign

Campaign Manifesto

Healthy Me Revolution

It’s become harder and harder to lose weight in our out-of-control food culture. Social activities and traditions are centered around food. Food is entertainment, and being sedentary is just normal. This is our culture. But there is a counter culture on the rise, where a focus on health is not just an idea, but a daily practice. Here, the food we choose to eat fuels us. The activities we choose to do strengthens us. Our growing community supports, motivates and inspires each other to do better, be better, and live better in their quest for a healthier life at a lower body weight. It starts with weight loss, but where it takes us is so much more. Here’s to a brighter, stronger, healthier tomorrow. Starting today. This is the Healthy Me Revolution. Will you join us?

Vision   •   Creative Direction   •   Design