Linda Grant

UX/UI Design Lead, Creative Director
Over 20 years of experience

Creative, innovative, collaborative, and motivated customer experience expert.

Passionate about building beautiful, usable, forward-thinking omnichannel experiences that build brand loyalty. Expertise in UX/UI, creative direction, graphic design, user research, and data analysis comprise a unique skill set to enhance any customer journey.

View resume
Case Study 1
Vision and execution

Led visually disruptive campaign that brought honesty and empathy to HMR’s customers.

View case study 1
Case Study 2
UX/UI and creative

Defined problems and goals, mapped user flows, prototyped and designed HMR's MVP App.

View case study 2
Case Study 3
UX/UI and creative

Led successful rebrand of HMR's visual identity to align with the company's passionate mission.

View case study 3
Case Study 4
UX/UI design

Streamlined HMR’s joining and checkout process to improve the ecommerce conversion rate.

View case study 4

More work

Selected work from various projects including creative direction, art direction, print, and digital.

Over the last few years my creative direction, UI design, and UX design innovations resulted in high quality, cost effective, and revenue generating initiatives that increased growth, delivered on KPIs, and brought forward an omnichannel user experience.
Linda has been a critical voice in building the HMR brand and user experience. One look at our website and its immediately clear that HMR’s brand is clean, fresh, and beautiful. We moved all of the creative development from our agency to Linda and I can confidently say that we’ve raised the bar.
Len Tacconi
Chief Executive Officer
I want to acknowledge your vast set of talents as a designer, marketer, experience builder. You are a lead architect of the HMR brand and work tirelessly to drive brand definition and consistency with a clear vision and commitment to excellence.
Jessie Davenport
Senior Brand Manager and Head of Content
It’s difficult to quantify the major productivity improvements, increased agility, and cost savings that Linda brought to the MXD team by developing and executing a new website template system.
Kristin Regan
VP Marketing & Experience Design
I’ve always been impressed of the work you create from a completely blank slate. Your original ideas and the ability you have to problem solve is what makes you truly excellent at your job. Saying that I’ve learned so much from you is an understatement.
Julia Goldstein
Email Strategy & Design Specialist
I’m amazed at the consistently extraordinary level of work that you continue to champion, while working on so much all at once. Thank you for being our design champion and making it possible for us to put something of this quality in front of the user so swiftly.
Linna Gao
Senior Digital Marketing Manager
You always know how to give helpful constructive feedback and solutions on how to improve a project. I have learned so much from you these past few years and am able to look at projects not just from a design perspective, but also from the user perspective.
Melanie Campbell
Graphic Designer
I want to acknowledge Linda, much of what she is doing is "invisible" at the moment but each day she is getting us closer to the goal line; on a mission to deliver a truly great new digital experience that can dramatically improve awareness, joining, and retention.
John Lally
VP Marketing
She doesn’t let the team dwell on what we can’t do or what we should have done better—instead she brings us back to focus on what we can do now to make it better. This “soft skill” is so important especially when we all feel pressure to produce.
Kristin Regan
VP Marketing & Experience Design
Your vision, your dedication, your fight for higher standards, and your unwillingness to settle for the status-quo even in times where it would have been the “easier” thing to do is why our brand is where it is today.
Julia Goldstein
Email Strategy & Design Specialist
Linda has worked hard over the last several years to build a consistent, beautiful visual brand identity for HMR. She has an extremely high bar for the work she and her team do and the quality of work is impeccable.
Kristin Regan
VP Marketing & Experience Design